Wednesday 2 April 2014

What will the future bring? The new consumer programme 2014 - 2020

With some delay, the EU announced its priorities in consumer law for the period from 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2020.  The consumer programme takes the form of a Regulation based on Art 169 TFEU and explains how the Union will complement, support and monitor the Member States' policies. This is mainly achieved through financing actions taken either by national authorities or thirds, such as consumer organisations, e.g..

The consumer programme details four main objectives (Art 3): product safety (I), consumer information and education, and support of consumer organisations (II), rights and redress (III) and enforcement (IV). The short Regulation (only 19 articles) as well as its Annexes elaborate these objectives and the types of actions to be taken. Although not directly granting rights to consumers, the Regulation is an important indicator of the EU's current view on and future priorities in consumer law.